These terms and conditions (the “Terms”), apply to all Participants at Events (in each case as defined below). Your attendance at an Event indicates your agreement to these Terms.
1. Definitions: Organisers’ means Home and Condo Show (HCS) or their designated representatives. ‘Sponsor’ and ‘Exhibitor’ include any person, firm, company, corporation, institution, association, or committee to whom space is allocated. ‘Venue’ refers to the location where the conference is being held.
2. Applications: Applications for Sponsorship or Exhibition space at HCS event should be made on the official booking form. Both are allocated on a strictly ‘first-come, first-served’ basis.
3. Payments: An invoice will be issued on receipt of the show reservation agreement, and payment should be made in accordance with the terms thereon. If the event is within 45 days of the stand or sponsorship package being booked, full payment will be required with the booking.
4. Cancellations: Exhibitors wishing to cancel a booking must do so in writing to HCS. Receipt of such will be confirmed in writing by return. HCS incurs considerable costs prior to the conference, including marketing, promotion, and administration expenses. The following charges for cancellations will apply:
a) 25% of the total cost if canceled up to 8 weeks before the event;
b) 75% of the total cost if canceled between 8 and 4 weeks before the event;
c) The full cost of the booking is payable for cancellations within 4 weeks of the event.
5. Bankruptcy: In the event of an Exhibitor or Sponsor becoming bankrupt, going into liquidation, having an administrator or receiver appointed, or entering into a voluntary arrangement, the contract with them may be terminated at the option of HCS, and the full contract price will be due and payable with immediate effect.
6. Sub–Letting or Shared Stands: An exhibitor may only sub–let or share a stand with the prior written consent of HCS.
7. Prohibition of transfer: Sponsors may not assign, share, or grant licenses of any part of the Sponsorship. Nor may any cards, advert, or printed matter of firms who are not bona fide Sponsors be exhibited in or distributed from any area of the Conference.
8. Registration of Staff: Staff from Sponsors and Exhibitors who wish to attend the conference sessions must register as full conference delegates, unless a specific prior arrangement has been made with the Organisers.
9. Amendment of Site Plan: Every endeavor is made to preserve the published layout of the conference area and exhibitions. Should it be necessary to revise the layout for any purpose, the Organiser reserves the right to transfer an Exhibitor to an alternative suitable site.
10. Stand Building: Standard exhibition sites for conferences are 10X10 unless otherwise stated. Included with the space is a table with 2 chairs. Electrical supply and additional furniture may be hired at an additional cost to the Exhibitor. Exhibitors must abide by the set-up and breakdown times as stated by the Organiser. Exhibition stands should be manned during all refreshment breaks and events scheduled in the Exhibition area. Under no circumstances can a stand be broken down until after the close of the conference.
11. Liabilities: While the Organisers shall endeavor to protect property at the Conference, it must be understood that the management of the Venue, the Organisers, and any Official Contractor cannot accept liability for loss or damage sustained, occasioned by any cause whatsoever. Exhibitors and Sponsors agree to indemnify and hold HCS harmless against any and all loss, liability, damage, costs, expense, claims, proceedings, and actions arising out of any negligent act or omission of Exhibitor or Exhibitor’s Employees, including any breach of these terms and conditions by Exhibitor or Exhibitor’s Employees. HCS’s maximum liability shall not exceed the amount paid by the Exhibitor or Sponsor in connection with the Contract.
12. Insurance: Exhibitors and sponsors are responsible for arranging appropriate insurance cover in connection with their attendance at the conference, including prevention, postponement, or abandonment. HCS cannot be held liable for any loss, liability, or damage to personal property.
13. Fire & Safety: Exhibitors and Sponsors must comply with any reasonable instructions given by any authority regarding fire precautions and safety. All decorations, displays, and exhibits, together with incidental fittings, must conform fully to the regulations and requirements of local authorities and must be non-flammable or treated for fire prevention by an approved method.
14. Alterations & Disclaimer: HCS reserves the right to make alterations to the conference program, venue, and timings at any time. In the unlikely event of the program being canceled by HCS, a 50% refund will be made. Liability will be limited to the amount of the fee paid by the sponsor or exhibitor. While the Organisers will make every effort to secure a high level of attendance of delegates to the conference, no guarantee of delegate numbers can be given, and no discounts or refunds are available if delegate numbers do not reach the projected levels.
15. Cancellation of the Conference: In the event of it being found necessary for whatever reason that the Conference and Exhibition shall be postponed, abandoned, or altered in any way in whole or in part, or if the Organisers find it necessary to change the dates of the Event, the Organisers shall not be liable for any expenditure, damage, or loss incurred by the Sponsor. In the event of cancellation, the Sponsor will be refunded any monies paid. If by rearrangement or postponement of the period of the Event, or any other reasonable manner, the event can take place, the contract between the Organisers and the Sponsors shall remain in force.
16. Information and Copyright: Information supplied by the Organisers in relation to any conference is accurate to the best of their knowledge and belief but shall not constitute any warranty or representation. Any inaccuracy, mistakes, or omission in such information shall not entitle the Sponsor or Exhibitor to cancel his contract. All information and data relating to the event are the copyright of the Organiser and cannot be passed on to any third party for any purpose. Lists and information relating to participants may only be used in relation to the Sponsor’s presence at the event.
17. Website & Links: The conference and associated HCS website may link to other websites and networking tools provided for the convenience of the users. The contents of these websites are maintained by their owners, for which HCS takes no responsibility; neither can responsibility be taken for the contents of any website linking to this website.of any website linking to this website.
18. Governing Law & Jurisdiction: These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ontario, Canada. The courts of Ontario shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms.
19.Notices: Any notice given to a party under or in connection with the Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by e-mail to or by mail to CI News Inc, 478 Dundas Street West, P.O. Box 30003, Oakville, ON L6H 7L8, Canada